How is Carenodes different from EMR?
Carenodes functionalities are unique and distinct from those provided by electronic health records (EHR) or electronic medical records (EMR) systems. EMRs know only those patients who have had an encounter with a provider at some point in time. Carenodes provides visibility into total panels not just patients who have been entered into the EMR.
Big data aggregation consolidates up and down.
- Roll-up to the highest level (i.e.: all providers in a group)
- Drill-down to the patient level
Team Based
Assign tasks within the organization - managing projects without disruptions from workforce turnover.
The set of capabilities made available to our pilot partners.
Big Data Aggregation
Aggregation into a Coherent Picture
Roll-up to the highest level (i.e.: all providers in a group). Drill-down to the patient level.
Opportunity Tracking
Perform Screenings
Multi-payer aggregation of Health Assessment rosters and Gaps in Care reports. Data is prioritized, trended, with actionable tools to capture time-sensitive opportunities.
Team Based
Automatically Engage the Team
Assign tasks within the organization - managing projects without disruptions from workforce turnover.
See Only that which is relevant
Alerts and notifications aggregated, organized, and prioritized.
Automatically organize & prioritize
Incoming information is prioritized, trended, with actionable tools to capture time-sensitive opportunities.
Real-time escalation
Automatically report barriers
Communicate directly with payers. Digital pathways escalate barriers to completing time-sensitive outreach (i.e. quality improvement, HEDIS, etc).
Monitor Patient Panels
Specialized Monitoring
Monitor and risk-stratify opioid use cases; generate action items and follow-ups; referral to treatment with visibility into care trajectory.
Trigger Support
Alert Payers
Provider reported barriers generate alerts up to the payer for support and resource allocation.
Alerts and notifications aggregated, organized, and prioritized.
Real-time escalation pathways
Communicate directly with payers. Pathways allow escalation of issues presenting barriers to completing time-sensitive outreach (i.e. quality improvement, HEDIS, etc). Providers' reported barriers generate alerts up to the payer for support and resource allocation while there is still time.
© 2019 Carenodes.